*The content of this blog is assuming that you’ve read “How to get rid of flabby arms”. If your arms are too “skinny”, this is the blog for you. If your arms are “flabby” go read “How to get rid of flabby arms.”
Are your arms just kinda shapeless?
If so, you’re probably asking: How do I get my arms more toned?
Well first, let’s define “arms”.
Usually, when women say they want more toned/defined arms, they’re not talking about wanting jacked biceps or strong triceps.
They’re saying they want that cut out right below the shoulder. The little divot that clearly defines the separation of your shoulder and your arm (think Jennifer Aniston in Friends).
This doesn’t come from building the arm muscles (biceps & triceps). It’s from building the shoulders. And right now your shoulders are more Season 2 Chandler than Rachel.
I train lots of women. We do TONS of shoulder work, and very little direct arm work. They’re all incredibly happy with how their “arms” look though.
So, let’s dive into how to train the shoulder.
The shoulder has three main muscle groups:
Anterior “front” deltoid (front of your shoulder)
Medial deltoid (side of your shoulder)
Posterior “rear” deltoid (back of your shoulder)
You need to train all three “delts” to build sexy, defined shoulders.
The front delt get a lot of work during your day to day life. Don’t need to focus on this much.
To really get the “cut out” you’re looking for, you need to place extra emphasis on the rear and medial delts. The rear delt especially gets neglected. This leads to slouched posture and shoulder pain, and keeps your shoulders from ever looking amazing.
Pressing movements train mostly the front and medial delts. You get the most out of movements like these.
Choose one:
Barbell & dumbbell overhead presses (seated and standing)
Dumbbell & barbell push presses
Arnold Presses
Include one of these movements, 3x/week.
Train ‘em in moderate rep ranges. 8-15 reps. 3 sets. Focus on getting STRONG at these movements.
Accessory movements are great for isolating a specific delt, after you’ve done one of the pressing movements from above.
Choose one:
Dumbbell lateral raise
Cable lateral raise
Band lateral raise
Dumbbell upright rows
These work the medial delt. Train these in higher rep ranges. 12-20 reps. 2-4 sets. 2-3x/week. Focus on doing the movement slowly, really feeling the muscle work.
Choose one:
Face pulls
Band pull aparts
Dumbbell lying rear delt fly
Bent over rear delt fly
Cable rear delt fly
These work the rear delt. Train these in higher rep ranges. 12-20 reps. 2-4 sets. 2-3x/week.
Focus on doing the movement slowly, really feeling the muscle work.
These will take some time to feel, don’t get frustrated. Watch this video.
“How you doin’? ;)” Arms Program
*The focus of this program is on building toned arms, but it covers your entire body. Stick with the exercises listed. Rest is important. Force yourself to rest 1-2 minutes between all sets.
Day 1 (Monday):
Barbell squat 3×8-12
Barbell hip thrust 3×10-15
Dumbbell row 3×8-12/side
Dumbbell standing overhead press 3×8-12
Dumbbell rear delt fly 3×15-20
Barbell curl 2×12-15
Bench dip: 2×12-15
Reverse crunch 3×10
Day 2 (Wednesday):
Sumo deadlift 3×6-10
Dumbbell Walking lunge 2×10/leg
Negative chin-ups 3×4
Seated Arnold press 3×8-12
Dumbbell lateral raise 3×15-20
Face pull 3×15-20
Ab wheel: 2×10
Day 3 (Friday):
Bulgarian split squat 3×8-12/leg
Romanian deadlift 3×12-15
T-bar row 3×8-12
Barbell standing overhead press 3×8-12
Band lateral raise 2×20
Band pull apart 2×20-25
Dumbbell curl 2×12-15
Skull crusher 2×12-15
Hanging knee raise 3×6-10
Follow this program for four weeks. Your shoulders will look better than they ever have.
If your shoulders aren’t changing, it’s due to your diet.
Skinny arms and can’t build muscle? You’re probably not eating enough.
Don’t let the title scare you off. You won’t get “bulky”. Eating more will allow you to build more muscle, making you look more defined, and LEANER.
Don’t spend your life as Ms. Chanandler Bong.
Follow this program.
Your arms will look amazing.